Vážení klienti, dle aktuálního nařízení vlády máme zavřené Klientské centrum Daramis v ulici Jankovcova 14/1595, Praha 7 na dobu neurčitou.
V případě dotazu se obracejte na zelenou linku 800 226 223 nebo nám napište na office@daramis.com. Děkujeme za pochopení.

Zelene Mesto – Spring Neighbours Event

It was heartwarming to see so many of our residents, their children and even pets at the neighbours event we held in Zelene Mesto on April 15th. Located in a stunning spot surrounded by Tresnovka and Smetanka parks, the project consists of four phases with over 1000 units. As one of the first events in the neighbourhood, we were thrilled to enjoy the fantastic spring weather and great food with over 50 residents.

We are grateful to everyone who contributed to making this event a success, and we have much more planned for the upcoming seasons. Keep an eye out for more information on future events, as we continue to foster a strong sense of community in this beautiful neighbourhood.


Marina event on 23.03

We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to all of you to join us in welcoming the newest commercial tenants to Prague Marina Nova.

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